Frequently Asked Questions ⚡


How Long Is It?


The class is 60 minutes. We start with a light stretch to let your body know you’re going to be moving for the next while. We then start into our warmup eventually coming to the peak of the class full of high energy moves, we then gradually start to take it down, finishing off with a fun dance party and final a stretch.


Do I Have To Have My Camera On?


Of course not, there is no pressure to have your camera on. All I will say it that seeing your lovely faces really helps me keep track that everyone is enjoying themselves and keeping up. If you’re struggling or are feeling bored and I can always amend the class to take it slower or even liven it up!


Do I need anything?


All you need is space around you, make sure you wont bump into anything. Some water and if you’re a sweaty betty like me, a small towel!


Do You Do Teach For Parties/Corporate?


Absolutely! I have taught a corporate gig for Matheson’s Law Firm which was great fun, it was for their PRIDE week, celebrating all things PRIDE. - a great way to show your employees you’re thinking about while working from home!

I’ve taught different year groups in Loreto College St Stephens Green (12-16yr olds) and I also used to teach in a children’s stage school (ages 3-10yrs) - Front Row Stage School

I have done an 80’s themed Hen Party & I’ve done a 30th Birthday party learning the dance to Justin Bieber’s ‘Sorry’ - I take requests for these everything from 20’s to the 80s, Beyonce to Gaga and Musicals to Film Themes!


How much does it cost?


A Single Class Is €7

4 Classes For €25

8 Classes For €50

Corporate/Parties/Private Classes can vary - Email for more details