Lockdown 3.0

So we’re back here AGAIN feeling like groundhog day but alas we must keep going!

Christmas has been and gone but just before the most wonderful time of the year I got asked to teach a few classes to the wonderful girls in Loreto College St Stephens Green, which funny enough was my old secondary school so it was an absolute pleasure to teach at my old school. I taught three classes across one week to roughly 80 Transition Year students (15/16 yrs) which was definitely a new experience. I first of all felt ANCIENT but it was also a task in itself to keep 80 students encouraged/interested in what you’re doing, it definitely made me respect my old teachers a bit more for sure! But we got through it and I even got to go into the school just before Christmas and teach two big classes outside on the Hockey pitch, talk about a blast from the past!

So it’s now January 2021 and I’m back teaching after a very indulgent, lovely, quiet Christmas and I wanted to reach out to Front Line Workers and to show my gratitude and thanks, so I advertised that they can dance for free. I honestly have been so taken aback from the response! For a while I thought it might be silly of me to even suggest it, they mightn’t have the energy or time for it, that’s the last thing they’d want etc. but actually so many lovely nurses and doctors have gotten onto me to say that’s exactly what they need. An opportunity to let off some steam, escape from everything that’s going on at the moment and most importantly have a bit of fun!

If you are or know anyone who is a Front Line Worker and think you/they might enjoy please get in contact and we can organise when suits to join me for a boogie!

NB x


Lockdown 2.0